Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Texas Education Spending - Opinion

After charting the progress of Texas education spending for the last few months, I have found that there has been some progress made, but this progress is definitely lacking.

Since the last legislative session took $5 billion away from Texas public schools, the education economy has been suffering. I went to Ranger College (a small two-year college in west Texas) when the legislature wanted to cut the school, which is why this issue is so important to me. Even though Ranger was a small school, and I know attend TCU, the impact it makes on student's lives was important and the school should not have been on a cut list just to give money to other programs.

Legislatures need to make the changes now and not only restore, but increase the education fund throughout the state. Our school districts and high education institutions desperately need this money or the future generations are going to suffer dramatically.

Hopefully as the legislature closes, the education budget will be increased and talked about more. Other issues in education are starting to take center stage (State testing was addressed earlier this week) so I know education is top of mind for both the House and Senate.

Please write, call or email your legislatures to encourage them to vote yes to education budget increases. The investment now will make a difference in the future. 

Ivy Anderson

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